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Agri Produce Services

At key areas, buyers can access Hobli Level Horticultural Collection Centres for specialised produce supply. Sorting, grading, and other standards will be carried out and dispatched in accordance with the demands of specific buyers. Future plans call for similar centres to source grains and pulses.

Agri Produce Services

Each collection centre operates as a separate business unit with a clearly defined supply chain and a dedicated space between 250 and 1000 square feet in size for sorting and grading facility of the produce collected.
These Centers are chosen based on a few key factors, including the type of produce produced in the nearby villages, the proximity between these villages and the centre, the type of business relationships with local transportation vendors that allow for fast and affordable delivery, and so on.
In addition to routine, seasonal, and strategic sourcing and purchasing coordination for a given buyer and time period will be undertaken.

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